PCA 200 portable contact angle goniometer
DataPhysics Instruments GmbH
The PCA 200 portable contact angle goniometer from DataPhysics Instruments is a hand-held device for autonomous and mobile measurement of the surface energy of solid surfaces. Its lightweight design and intuitive user interface make it the ideal tool for analysing surfaces in production and quality control.
The PCA 200 portable contact angle goniometer offers three options for control, device settings and advanced analyses. The integrated device computer allows autonomous measurements, the user-friendly browser-based interface enables to set device parameters and to export measurement results, the dpiMAX software makes advanced analyses and a straightforward data management possible.
Features of the PCA 200 portable contact angle goniometer
Stand-alone, mobile device: as a compact and mobile hand-held device, the PCA 200 can be used directly on site, wherever it is needed. Thanks to the integrated computer and software, it can be operated as a wireless, stand-alone measurement solution.
Display with live preview image: before the measurement, the device display provides a live preview image of the surface to be analysed. This function allows visual inspection and adjustment to ensure that each measurement is taken in exactly the right place. After the measurement, the device immediately shows the measured values on its display.
Measurement with two test liquids: the PCA 200 can dispense the test liquids diiodomethane and water simultaneously, and directly measure their contact angles on the solid sample. This makes it possible to determine the surface energy at the touch of a button, increasing the efficiency of work processes.
Quickly determine the surface energy: the PCA 200 determines the surface energy of samples quickly and reliably using well established interaction models (OWRK and Wu model). These models enable a differentiated analysis of the polar and dispersive components of the surface energy.
Long operating time: with a powerful lithium-ion battery, the PCA 200 is equipped for a long operating time. In addition, the cartridges for the two test liquids are sufficiently large to allow a great number of measurements without having to refill them.