ARAB LAB 2024Products & Services OmniaTap - Pure & ultra pure water types I + II
OmniaTap - Pure & ultra pure water types I + II
stakpure GmbH
OmniaTap is ideal when both pure&ultrapure water are
required, but in modular amounts (12-20 l/h). Ultramodern
technology enables both qualities of water and
a connection directly to tap water. A press on the
dispenser button activates dispensing of ultrapure
water type I via the digital dispenser control. •OptiFill
dispenser •10-litres pure water tank with recirculation
of pure water&2.Outlet •Tank volume display in%
•Simple and economical filter replacement •Leakage
sensor & Volume dispensing
Further reading required, but in modular amounts (12-20 l/h). Ultramodern
technology enables both qualities of water and
a connection directly to tap water. A press on the
dispenser button activates dispensing of ultrapure
water type I via the digital dispenser control. •OptiFill
dispenser •10-litres pure water tank with recirculation
of pure water&2.Outlet •Tank volume display in%
•Simple and economical filter replacement •Leakage
sensor & Volume dispensing
OmniaTap 12/20