ARAB LAB 2024Products & Services Vacuum Solder System with overpressure function
Vacuum Solder System with overpressure function
UniTemp GmbH
We now offer a Vacuum Solder oven with overpressure function. It allows the either overpressure up to 200mbar or optional up to 2000 mbar.
A significant improvement in the quality of the joining technologies is achieved by increasing the reliability of the solder joints and reducing heat dissipation. The soldering furnace technology in combination with an overpressure module enables cavity-free solder joints.
Further reading A significant improvement in the quality of the joining technologies is achieved by increasing the reliability of the solder joints and reducing heat dissipation. The soldering furnace technology in combination with an overpressure module enables cavity-free solder joints.
VSS-450-300 with overpressure and a rack with integrated pump and cooling system